Sunday, January 18, 2009

fuck it.

Ok, so I never came up with a resolution this year because I have yet to think of one that I might actually stick to. Until now. I will resolve to update this blog at least once every other day. There, I feel better already. Also, thanks Asa, your trickle of posts have been about the only thing keeping this going, oh that and (not a real site....yet). So lets start today shall we! In local news I have finally been mentioned by Miss Defame herself!

"I wish Face had a better nickname."

Yes! But right above that.....

"I wish that BBQ bar would quit playing live Hip Hop on Thursday nights and just stick with their tried and true jukebox."

Awww....But I like hip hop! Yea hip hop! You sound like Rymar MeghanDefame! I can move on with my life now.

Heres an interesting article for you bike nerds, this new do-hickey, that I am sure Preston will try to pre-order after reading this, projects the image of a bike lane behind you as you pedal. Now only if it would project a giant middle finger instead of a cyclist stencil.

So a few of you I told but just to make it official I would like to announce my new project which will be the construction of something similar to this:

This guy built his own for about $3500, but as you can see he did a double sided cab where in my case it would be only one sided. His monitors are sony HD 40" where as I would just stick with a 32" vizo for half the price. Wish me luck on my ultimate nerd venture. Also, mine will probably not be as near as fancy, or as expensive. Any one know how to model plans in 3D? And on final note, for those of you who do not already know, Rymar has been writing an awesome blog that a lot of mommy and daddies have been reading, so check it out. Well, thats that and now for the mandatory video post:

Bubblicious from Rex The Dog on Vimeo.



SonOfThePirate said...

If you build it, they will come! This still won't make up for your lack of skills in Street Fighter though!

asa said...

SF4 tournies all day forever.
great idea dude.