Behold the crappy schawg. Yellow head band, wrist bands and a certificate. The tourney had two winners, Me and some asian dude who I think my girlfriend has a crush on. There were a quite a few asian dudes, which whom I defeated much to Connie's surprise. The attendees consisted of black dudes, asian dudes and dorky smelly white dudes. Needless to say gamestop smelled real bad that day. Even if I don't go all the way in this tournament I still plan on going to Evolution this july in vegas. Anyone wanna go? Seriously, I have a hotel room you can stay in, I don't want to be surrounded by nerds the entire week that I am there. Bah.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Sweaty Palms
Whenever I compete in any kind of video game tournament my palms get all kinds of sweaty. So at the gamestop tournament last week I was constantly drying off my hands on my pants in between matches, gross. Even so I still walked away victorious with some really crappy prizes and a spot in the semi-semi finals this up coming saturday.

Behold the crappy schawg. Yellow head band, wrist bands and a certificate. The tourney had two winners, Me and some asian dude who I think my girlfriend has a crush on. There were a quite a few asian dudes, which whom I defeated much to Connie's surprise. The attendees consisted of black dudes, asian dudes and dorky smelly white dudes. Needless to say gamestop smelled real bad that day. Even if I don't go all the way in this tournament I still plan on going to Evolution this july in vegas. Anyone wanna go? Seriously, I have a hotel room you can stay in, I don't want to be surrounded by nerds the entire week that I am there. Bah.
Behold the crappy schawg. Yellow head band, wrist bands and a certificate. The tourney had two winners, Me and some asian dude who I think my girlfriend has a crush on. There were a quite a few asian dudes, which whom I defeated much to Connie's surprise. The attendees consisted of black dudes, asian dudes and dorky smelly white dudes. Needless to say gamestop smelled real bad that day. Even if I don't go all the way in this tournament I still plan on going to Evolution this july in vegas. Anyone wanna go? Seriously, I have a hotel room you can stay in, I don't want to be surrounded by nerds the entire week that I am there. Bah.
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You totally have to let me borrow that head band sometime, that thing is too fucking sweet! I'm planning on going to Evo this year man! I'm almost %100 sure they're going to be showing MVC2 for the PSN/XBOX Live. You know how long I've been waiting for this news, too much hype son! I can't miss this one. Did you book your room at the Rio?
dude. I haven't said this enough to you over the course of the last few weeks. But I'm proud of you.
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