So its raining and there are tornado warnings going on right now and into the evening. Needless to say there is no way Im driving in this shit, especially with 400 pounds of expensive DJ equipment, 15 miles on I-4 towards disney, No fuckin' way. So I call and speak to the manager at houlihan's where I DJ twice a week and she says thats not a good excuse and that I need not worry about coming in any more. Fuck her. The gig is out side! In the rain!?! No one is going to sit at an outside bar during a thunder shower, I just saved them a bunch of money because they would of let me go home early any ways and still paid me! Well, it was starting to be not worth it with the price of gas at $3.30. At least I learned that restaurant gigs suck and are boring as hell and take taxes out of your money. The free food was sweet and that was about it. After gas and taxes I was barely making what a I could make having fun and playing what I want at a Bar Bq Bar.
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