Since no one is reading this and I am bored, I will be live blogging the season premier of LOST. Bitches.
(9:02) LOST opens with a car chase scene watched on the news by Jack. The car is driven by Hurley, who after getting detained by the police starts screaming "I'm one of the Oceanic 6!".
(9:11) Hurley being interviewed by cop who ends up being Anna Lucia's ex-partner. Inside the interagation room Hurley see Charlie swimming on the other side of the one way mirror. Charlie touches mirror and it expoldes filling the room with water. Hurley freaks out and cop enters room threating to send hurely to mental ward, Hurely is releaved.
Back to Island
Blah blah talk about getting rescued. Ben bloody tied to tree asks Rousseau to run away with alex. Rousseau slaps ben. Hurley does cannonball into the water, floods the island and kills everyone, just kidding. Desmond comes back onto beach freaking out about boat tells everyone about charlie (yes!). Naomi disappears.
(9:23) Arguing about telling jack about Charlie's message. Walkie gets thrown into ocean and everyone starts heading back towards Jack.
Flash Forward
Hurley is in Psych ward and is visited by the attorney from oceanic airlines. Attorney offers to take Hurley to a nicer institution. Attorney ends up not being who he said and freaks Hiurley out by asking "are the still alive?". Attorney leaves while Hurley freaks out.
Back on Island
Hurley, Sawyer and company heading back towards camp. Sawyer confronts Hurley about Charlie. Hurley gets lost, no really. Wind starts blowing, Hurley finds what appears to be Jacob's house.
(9:34) Rousseau, Jack and Ben are tracking Naomi. Naomi made two tracks. Kate stole phone from Jack and followed Naomi's other trail. Kate tracking Naomi and phone rings. Kate answers and is ambushed by Naomi from above a tree. Holds knife to Kate's neck and phone rings. Naomi picks up and has conversation with "George". Naomi changes tracing signal and dies, apparently.
Hurley investigates Jacob's house and see Jacob in the rocking chair. Someone else is in the house and sees Hurley, who runs. Hurley turns around and sees Jacob's house again, closes his eyes and falls over. Hurley opens his eyes and see Locke standing over him. "Hello Hugo".
(9:45) Hurley and Locke talking about him getting lost from the group. Decide to try to talk Jack out of contacting the people on the boat. Hurley and Locke join back up with the group and so does everyone else. Happy Time. Claire realizes something is amiss. Hurley tells Claire the haps, Boo-fucking-Hoo.
Flash Forward
Hurley back at the psych ward. Hurley sees Charlie, fuck. Charlie tells Hurley he is dead and slaps him. This blows. WAA WAA why did you die, Blah Blah. Charlie says he is there to tell Hurley he needs to do something, Hugo closes his eyes counts to 5 and poof! dick shit (Charlie will now be referred to as dick shit.) is gone.
Back on Island
Jack punches Locke, takes his gun and shoots him......but there is no ammo in the gun, a real nail bitter that one. Everyone looks surprised. :o
(9:57) Everyone pulls Jack off of Locke. Jack asks Locke if he is insane because Locke claims to have only been trying to help. Kate reappears. Says Naomi covered for Locke, Locke denies it, tells people if they want to live, to come with him to the barracks. Jack says no one will go with him because he is crazy. Hurley brings up Dick Shit and starts crying about Dick Shits warning. Hurley decides that Dick Shit was right and decides not to get rescued by Naomi's people. Claire, Hurley, Ben, The french chick a few random people and Sawyer decide to go with Locke.
Flash Forward
Hugo playing basketball in psych ward. Jack shows up, clean shaven, lookin' good (not drunk). Jack says he is thinking about growing a beard. OOHHHHHH! SNAPPLE THATS REFRESHING. Hugo calls Jack out for coming to see if he is nuts and if he is going to "tell". Hugo apologizes about going with Locke and tells Jack he thinks "it" wants them to go back and Jack say that they are never going back. Hugo say "never say never".
Back on Island
Jack and Kate hiding under plain wreckage from the rain and they see a helicopter land. They race to the lading site and the piolit emerges from the trees, in the same gear that naomi was wearing, takes off his helmet and say "Are you Jack?". Then Locke throws a knife in his back. NOT. Thats it, the end till next week.
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